Closed for lunch 1-2 PM daily
CALL: (928) 779-0148
Closed for lunch 1-2 PM daily
CALL: (928) 779-0148
Spay (Ovariohysterectomy)
Neuter (Castration)
Dental Cleaning/Extraction
Abdominal Surgery
Cruciate Ligament Repair
Patellar Luxation Stabilization
Fracture Repair
Femoral Head and Neck Osteotomy
Soft Tissue Surgery
Pre-surgical check-in is between 8:00 am and 9:00 am.
Post-surgical pick-up is typically between 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm.
Please note: surgical procedures require a 12 hour fast unless the patient is under 6 months of age. Do not feed your pet after 12:00 midnight the night before surgery. Water can be given at any time. Pets under 6 months of age may eat and drink normally before surgical procedures. Pre-anesthetic bloodwork and/or IV catheters are required for surgical procedures for all patients. Please continue reading for more information on these procedures.
When you place your pet in our hands, you trust us to provide your pet with the best possible medical care. You expect us to provide you with advice which will allow you to make the best decision for your pet. In order to offer you the peace of mind you deserve, we require pre-anesthetic blood testing prior to placing your pet under anesthesia.
As in human medicine, the anesthetics available for anesthetizing our companion pets are extremely safe. As a result, the anesthetic risk is greatly minimized when a healthy pet is placed under anesthesia. A healthy pet is one that displays no symptoms and has a clean bill of health. Keep in mind that your pet may appear to be completely healthy but has an underlying problem that only bloodwork will recognize. For example, a pet can lose up to 75% of their kidney function prior to showing any signs of illness. If your pet is not healthy, complications can occur both during and after the anesthetic procedure.
Our pre-anesthetic blood panel will check the function of the liver and kidneys to make sure they are able to handle anesthesia. It also checks the Packed Cell Volume (PCV), which determines the level of hydration, and the number of red blood cells compared to the level of protein in the body.
We require all animals to have this blood panel done before any anesthetic procedure for their safety and better anesthetic recovery. Depending on the health of your animal, the doctors may recommend a more extensive panel.
Although performing these tests cannot guarantee the absence of complications, it can significantly minimize the risk to your pet as well as provide you and us with peace of mind.
We require that all animals undergoing surgical procedures receive intravenous fluid therapy to hasten their recovery. In addition, IV fluids will help to stabilize your pet's blood pressure and give the doctor venous access in case of an emergency.